JANUARY 2010 HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE! Check out the latest Judy interviews. Read
JUDY'S COMMENTS ABOUT HER BAY AREA TOUR SHE & CRAIG DID I loved San Franciso more than any city I was ever in on the road. It's got everything. It's got atmosphere.. even when it isn't nighttime you still feel like you're in a movie. It's got fog. It's got fog horns. It's got the Golden Gate Bridge, sometimes covered in fog with just the city shining through. It is so incredibly beautiful. It is the perfect temperature for me at all times. Cool, cold...sometimes warm...but never too hot. I LOVE IT and I really loved the San Francisco nightclub, BISCUITS & BLUES. And I loved SWEETWATER in Mill Valley. Among the best stage experiences I ever had. The audiences were as hip as the cities.
At Sweetwater, Bonnie Raiit and Maria Muldaur got up on stage with me and sang "The Salvation Army Song". What an incredible thrill!! In San Francisco, at Biscuits & Blues, Diana Pray, coloratura, and Heidi Waterman, mezzo-soprano (both of the San Francisco Opera) came up on stage and joined me on "The Salvation Army Song"...another thrill. We sold out all our shows in the Bay Area. What a lot of fun it was. We wish you all had been there. xxjudy
Bonnie's note to Judy's publicist, Mindy, following the Sweetwater show 7/25/05: "Judy is a monster. I've wanted to see her ALL my life!! She is my favorite..there is NO ONE BETTER" - Bonnie Raitt 7/24/05
Maria's note about Judy's Sweetwater appearance: "Alternating between a wickedly droll and whimsical wit, and the ability to express soul-searing pathos, Judy was utterly captivating and had EVERYONE entranced. She can tickle your funny bone one minute and rip your heart out the next. I sat in the audience with my mouth open, but I was taking notes the WHOLE evening"--Maria Muldaur 7/26/05
FEB 4th-2005 Tune in SUNDAY Feb 6 FOR THE SIRIUS RADIO show DAVE MARSH. Judy will be his guest (see press page)- we would listen ourselves but we don't have Sirius radio yet Hi everybody- Judy here. We just worked on updating our web site with all the information about the records that are now available. It's not exactly finished. There are style-warts that will be fixed. OK... So I spelled "piquant wrong. .I somehow mixed it up with pecan... SO WHAT!! Just released our CD. Thank you wonderful wonderful fans for making "She Sang California such a hit. It's colder that BILLY BLUE HELL here in SOCAL. Rainy, windy, like Chicago with palm tress. Saw three deer crossing our street yesterday. They were all hunched over and coughing. everybody's sick. Now as I'm writing this, outside the window I hear a crow sneezing. May 9, 2002 OK. Since I haven't written anything for about a year, I'll tell you what's happening now: We still didn't get a new dog, but Craig got a new mouse. Oh yeah, In the month of September we're going to play in Hollywood, weekends ( actually, thursdays, fridays and saturdays )at the Hudson Theatre . We can hardly wait...we'll have a lot of new material, a lot of the stuff will be on this latest CD. This CD will have a few spoken word things, you know, whatever that is that I do. Whatchacallit. Last year Warner Brothers, United Kingdom re-released my first two Elektra albums. Then, Dave Guard and the Whiskeyhill Singers was also re-released, but by Collector's Choice in the States. So, I've got some product out there.., AND, it's available from ME!!....check out the order page. NOW <ALL WE NEED IS A NEW TEESHIRT> Hmmmmm.Say no more, one's on the way When I was about 9 and 10 and 11 and 12, I used to go fishing with my dad and my uncle Charlie Henske. Because there wasn't a boy in the family, I got to do all the boy things. It was really fun. My Uncle Charlie was a big jock who belonged to the Catholic teaching order, the Christian Brothers, and who taught football in Indiana at the University of Notre Dame during the school year. Every summer Charlie would come and stay with us in Chippewa Falls for 6 weeks. My mother dreaded the time he spent at our house because Uncle Charlie was so rough. He was loud and big and sloppy and had bad table manners. He was too guy-like for her. She said, "I'm just going to tell him this summer that we're not going to pick up after him, and he's not going to use the fork he's been putting into his mouth to help himself to everything.on the table ." My Dad didn't listen to her. He loved Charlie. He loved it when there were two Henske men in the house instead of just one man with the three mother, little old Margaret and me. Margaret was our cook and house-keeper. Margaret loved Charlie too, because he was generous with compliments on her cooking . He'd grab her by the arms and look down into her face and say, "Is this the wonderful lady who made those prune rolls this morning? The greatest cook in the world?" Margaret would blush and shake her head , pleased as could be. One August when Charlie was visiting, he and my dad cooked up a fishing trip to the Hayward Flowage. The Hayward Flowage was a legendary body of fresh water where the big ones were, the big ones being the huge sabre toothed freshwater fightin' fish, the Muskellunge, otherwise known as "Muskie", tiger- shark of the lakes. Our neighbor, Mr. Bertrand, an accomplished all-around-sportsman who every November had a heart-shot deer hanging by its heels in his vestibule, had gone to the Hayward Flowage many times and had caught enormous muskies. He brought them back to be admired before they were eaten. He laid his muskies out on a narrow, painted, dark green bench on his front porch.The fish were all more than four feet long, their enormous golden shining eyes were as big as quarters, their gaping maws were open and lined with rows and rows of white teeth as pointed and sparkling in the bony jaws as bright new pins or darning needles. Viewers whistled softly, or said "Oh!." About a half hour before we were to leave for the Hayward Flowage, my dad said to my mother, "Dorothy, where's my gun?" "It's down in the basement with your duck-hunting equipment." she said. "No,no no. I don't mean my shotgun, I mean that revolver I got in New Guinea when I was in the Army." "What do you want with that old thing?" Mother sounded worried... "Those muskies thrash around if you put 'em in the boat when the're still alive" he said, "I talked to Bertrand and he said you're supposed to shoot them in the head before you put 'em in the boat... They're too dangerous otherwise." I had actual jobs on the boat. I was the motor runner and steerer and the anchor-man, as it were. The old wooden boat we rented at the Hayward Flowage had a small Evinrude motor and an anchor that was made out of a big coffee can filled with concrete. It must have weighed forty lbs. Whenever anybody yelled "Judy, throw in the anchor." I stopped the motor and walked tippily around the other two to the bow of the boat and threw in the anchor. On this particular trip I wasn't fishing with a casting rod. it would be too time consuming for those two professionals, to get my backlashes out. No, instead I was deligated to my hand line which was just some old, moldy leftover line wrapped around and around a destroyed chair-leg . There was a lead sinker the size of a golfball a foot above the end of the line ...and the great thing was that it hardly ever got caught on anything Dad's first-aid kit was a medium sized suitcase which included everything but a stainless steel table on which to perform surgery ( the 65 year old 350 lb. near-sighted anesthetist, Wanda Wucherpfennig, sadly , had to be left behind) Additionally, there were the four big tackle boxes. Why so many big tackle boxes? Because there was room in each for only three or four muskie plugs of which my dad was a reverent collector. The plugs were all about a foot long bearing six or seven shiny three tined grappling hooks, some of the plugs were jointed, they were all wildly imaginative approximations of what anybody thought would entice the muskie into striking. They were all so toy like, like beautiful , dangerous dolls for men. Some with sparkling green and yellow glass eyes, shining egg-yolk yellow, green , peacock blue, sky blue, white and grey-mottled skins, not one but several of them with chicken feathers sticking out, some with backs broken and jointed in three places, one shining purple black one, with a paint job like oil on water, the zZombie Death Dancer , with long festoons of black rawhide sprouting out of its head, and huge staring hand-painted white eyes... two large mouthed landing nets, the big galvanized milk-bucket of shiners, (just in case the tackle boxes were lost overboard in a storm,) four big rods and reels, the portable bullhorn which you would use in case you were sinking, And of course, the gun, loaded, but lying buckled up in its stiff orange leather holster with a big ammo belt. ===================================================== Playing Java Joe's in San Diego was wonderful. First of all, it's great to play in a place with a roof. Hey, I like outdoor venues as much as the next guy, but the shape of the room is everything, and when the shape of the room is all outdoors, just how big is that? Is it infinite? Well, it's a hell of a lot more commodious than it should be for a nightclub act. NEW SUBJECT: Love, XXX Judy
October 24, 1999 Hi everybody out there in electricity land....just wanted to tell you how very happy it makes me to hear from you. I really enjoy reading your messages. Write as much as you want. I usually sing my story...but I also dig it when I get to write it. WHY I LOVE FLY FISHING That day was the first time I saw anyone fly-fishing. I was lying on my stomach looking down into the water from a little point of land on the far end of Saddlebag lake. It was way back in the Sierra above 10,000 feet. I wasn't fishing the little feeder stream. I wasn't fishing because the natural brook trout were all in their courting colors. The feeder stream was so clear you could watch them swimming around and playing.They were way too beautiful. Brookies are spectacularly arrayed in the fall. These were small,rose-gold and brown with peacock blue, aqua and magenta polka dots with midnight blue central moles above cloudy pink belIies. They all had a kindly expression on their faces. I was just watching. When you're in the wilderness you should probably bring something beautiful to it. No, fly-fishing is more austere, if you do it right. You use flies that are light as air and they float on the wind, and you create them yourself from your fly-tying kit. Hi You Guys! I'm really glad to be back in touch with you again. Finished the CD, we're really proud of it. There are great cats playing on this new record. We're rolling out the new CD on October 15th at Java Joe's in San Diego. Love it if you'd come. Love, XXX Judy October 4, 1999 Hi fans, it's me, Judy. Here's CHITCHAT, BEATNIK CUISINE AND 1/2 BAKED PHILOSOPHY... On this page you can read stuff. Sometimes I'll write it and sometimes I'll be quoting other people. Here's the first installment. When Craig and I played Phil Ochs Night for the Rock n' Roll Hall of fame, well, the concert was one thing and R&R H of F was one thing, but another thing was when we went out on a boat and took a tour of the harbor. The perfect sandwich is chunky peanut butter, mayo, & sliced sweet pickles. This sandwich represents all of the food groups. It would be a good thing to eat every day if you had a choice between that and goat gruel and were stuck in the gulag. On pumpernickel. Cut into triangles. Love, XXX Judy |